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The Gary Moser Memorial Fund for Africa was established to honor Gary's intense dedication and passionate commitment to development work on the continent by building schools there to provide educational opportunities for some of the world's most vulnerable children.


Gary was first introduced to development work in his early twenties when he was sent on several trips to Africa while working for the Office of Management and Budget. Once there he flew out in bush planes to locate and visit refugee camps in order to assess their financial needs for the US government. Encountering some of the world's most destitute people affected him deeply and immediately, changing the direction of his career. He developed a keen affinity for the continent and its people and as well as a strong desire to do all he could to help. Thus he made the decision to devote the bulk of his career to development work in Africa.

Today the African continent is a popular forcus for charitable endeavors and service trips. This was not yet the case when Gary first became involved in African relief efforts in the early 1980's. In fact, on numerous occasions he was advised against focusing on Africa with the strong implication that this was not a desirable career path for an ambitious man to take. However, for Gary his work was "not just about the money.” He hoped that he was able to make a difference in Africa and wanted to continue to try.

Thus for almost twenty of his forty-five years Gary dedicated his career and a considerable portion of his heart to Africa and her people with the wholehearted support of his family. During his 22 year career he visited more than twenty African countries, spent over two years working and living in Kenya with his family, and almost a year in Nigeria as the International Monetary Fund's Resident Representative. At times the sacrifices were considerable as he contracted infectious diseases along the way and he and his family dealt with lengthy and frequent separations. However, despite the difficulties, he felt a strong connection to the continent, a deep affinity for its people and a powerful dedication to his work. 


Gary continued over the years to have tremendous respect and admiration for the many individuals he encountered who were working quietly "on the ground" building the basic infrastructures that were so desperately needed such as schools, clinics, orphanges and wells.  We honor him and his work by building pre-school/kindergartens in communities where the youngest children would not have an opportunity to atend school otherwise.  It is our hope to continue doing so into the future.

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