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Masizahke Pre-School:  In 2017 Gary's Fund provided the funding for the construction of a new classroom building and other facilities for this large and overcrowded preschool. It had been declared a fire hazard and unsafe  by Fire, Health and Safety Departments. 


2018: A  new two-classroom building,  covered, concrete play area,  restored restrooms, and kitchen were completed bringing the school up to government standards.


2019-2021: Gary's Fund provided funds for teacher training for two teachers. The 96 students are delighted with their new classrooms.  Due to COVID the training was completed ni 2021. We plan to assist with more training in 2022 and provide food staples into the coming year to mitigate the impact of COVID.





Ncedulunthu EducareIn 2013, Gary's Fund provided the funding to conduct a major rehabilitation of Ncedulunthu Educare Pre-School including new roof, sinks and latrines plus a covered concrete play area. 


2014 - We provided additional funding to purchase essential supplies, educational materials and to fund teacher training for the head teacher and her assistant. 


2019 - Gary's Fund provided funding for facility improvements, teacher training, and other resources. 


2020-2021: Teacher training was completed in 2021 due to COVID. We also funded the purchase of new resources and furnishings. Gary's Fund is providing food staples as well going into 2021.


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In 2014, Gary's Fund provided the funding to construct a two-classroom kindergarten in the village of Gomoa Akroful. Construction was completed on the Aboso Benso D/A School in late spring 2015 and the school is fully operational.


2019-2021: The school has 4 teachers and 70 students. We provided funds to paint and plaster the  building and to complete the administrative and storage space.  A year after construction of the kindergarten another organization built a nursery school on the same site adding to the complex which includes a primary school built in the 1940's..  Our kindergarten and the primary school are registered as public schools.

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The cost of each of our projects is roughly equivalent to the average price of a full bathroom remodel in the United States.


With an average commitment of about $18,000 per project we have constructed two, two-classroom buildings at our school in Kenya (plus other additions and improvements), rebuilt a pre-school in Mfuleni Township South Africa, funded the construction of two-classroom schools in New Crossroads Township, South Africa and in Ghana, and provided training for many of our teachers.  In 2020 we made our biggest commitment to date by funding a three classroom Early Childhood Development Center in Sisit Kenya..


Our goal is to help in the most cost effective way possible while minimizing overhead and administrative costs.


In addition to the school construction projects we provide some ongoing support to each of our schools. Examples of this support are the purchase of desks, educational materials, teacher training and building repairs.  During COVID we assisted by providing food staples and other resources and will continue with this assistance into 2022.




SIsit Pre-school:  Completed in 2020, this Kenyan Highland community now has a three-classroom pre-school and latrines allowing the youngest children to attend class.  Begin in 2006 with a volunteer teaching the pre-school aged children outside on benches while the older children walked to a distant primary school, today the completion of our project allows all to  remain in the community as they age up to the higher grades.


2021:: Gary's Fund is funding the provision of daily meals and snacks for all of the pre-school kindergarten students at our two schools for the year. Additional provisions are being provided to the students at Sistt Pre-school as described on its' project page.


Nkasoiki School: Our very first project is located in a remote, rural community in Kenya. Our original school building was constructed there in March 2007 replacing a decaying mud and wood hut, which had previously provided the only classroom space for the area's pre-school/kindergarten students. The school has been fully operational since completions.


2010: We  provided funding for a small mabati structure to help with the growth in enrollment.


2014: We funded construction of a second, two-classroom building to accommodate tremendous overcrowding and growth at the school. 


2016 - The county government funded and constructed an additional classroom buildingas a match to the project completed by Gary's Fund in 2015.  


2017 -  Gary's Fund provided funding for the purchase of locally produced desks to accommodate 120 students at the school.


2020: Nkasioki is a full-fledged primary school considered to be a show-piece for the region with 211 students.


2021: The Kenyan government offiicially granted the school 17 acres of land and fully registered it under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Gary's Fund provided food staples to mitigate the impact of COVID during.

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