Masizakhe Pre-School, South Africa
The Need.
In 2017 Masizakhe Pre-School was attended by dozens of students who spent their days in several small shacks which had been deemed so unsafe and uninhabitable they did not qualify for a rehabilitation project. The school was declared a fire hazard by the Fire and Safety Department and could not possibly qualify for essential government subsidies and benefits under the circumstances.
Despite this situation, for years Masizakhe's very young students spent their days in these structures (see photo). Sleeping on filthy mattresses and working hard to learn under the dedicated tutalage of the school's principal, Mama Angelina, everyone did the best they could.
Masizakhe Pre-School is located in the Western Cape Township of Gugulenthu where crime runs rampant and even very young children are left unsupervised during the day because their parents must work and have no options for childcare. Mama's like Mama Angelique have worked hard to fill the void with extremely limited resources.
The government has become increasingly strict regarding the registration and subsidization of schools especially when it comes to the physical safety of the children. Because school "buildings," especially for the youngest children, are often corrugated tin or wooden shacks in deplorable condition, more and more of them can no longer be registered. This has lead to an increased and critical need for the construction of structurally safe classroom buildings.

Additional Projects and Support.
2019 We provided $2,000 for:
Formal teacher training 1 school staff:
Course is a 10 month, intensive, hands-on training includes four learning sessions per month comprising theoretical and mentoring sessions as well as in-person teacher training at the practitioners’ classrooms.​ It includes a package of educational resources and toys.
2021: Gary's Fund provided $6300 in response to the impact of the COVID crisis for:
Food parcels for 11 months to feed approximately 100 children: 60 at Ncedulunthu and 40 at Masizakhle pre-schools. Food parcels contained 22 pounds each of rice, soya and maize meal delivered to the schools each month to be distributed to the children.
Total cost was only $60/child/11 month period or $5.45/child/month.
2022: $2,500 provided for:
10 month formal and comprehensive teacher training program for 1 teacher's assistant .

The Community Contribution:
The Story of Mama Angelina Zenani
Masizahke Pre-School was founded by a "wonderful mama," Angelina Zenani, who is "an exemplary leader and activist in her community." In addition to running the pre-school she has established a sewing group for vulnerable adult women in the community, developed a food garden and seniors and youth groups. She also provides space for dance classes serving 15-20 older children. Masizakhe can be loosely translated from Xhosa as “Let’s Build Ourselves." For decades, Mama Angelina has been devoted to her community and is described by our partner as "an extraordinary woman, a true community activist, leader and a caregiver who is remarkably deserving of support so that she can further build her community project and continue making a sustainable change every day."

The Project.
In 2017 Gary’s Fund accepted a proposal from our South African partner and provided $20,000 in funding for:
A two-classroom building designed to house 45 students
Complete renovation of the bathrooms and kitchen, which were in deplorable condition
Construction of a covered, concrete play area
Renovation of the teacher's office

Much to the great happiness of the school principal, her staff, students and their parents, in 2018 a new Masizakhe Pre-School was completed. Our project made it possible for the school to meet the safety and fire standards required to register as a government school. This allows the school to receive a subsidy of $1.00/child. These much needed subsidies are not easily accessible/achievable for many preschools. It is a major accomplishment for Mama Angelique that she was abe to reach this status successfully. Masizakhe continues to thrive with support from the community, our partner and Gary's Fund.

The Community.
Located about 12 miles from Cape Town, Gugulenthu Township was established in 1958. The name loosely translates into "Our Pride" in the Xhosa language which is spoken by about 90% of the population. During the Apartheid period black South Africans were barred from residing in cities such as Cape Town and were forced to relocate into townships such as Gugulenthu.
The township has one of the highest crime rates in the Western Cape. The crime is fueled by gang activity, overcrowding, poverty, and a serious problem with substance abuse. Unsupervised children are especially vulnerable to accidents and crime. "Child-headed households" are not uncommon. They tend to be cared for by dedicated "mama's" who will add little shacks on to the back of their small homes and crowd the children inside for daycare and, when possible, some educational activities. The conditions are often deplorable and most of these Mamas have had no formal teacher or early childhood development training but they are determined to do as much as they can for their communities' children.

​All photos provided by Ikamva Labantu with the exception of the photo of Gugulenthu Township from www.goodthingsguys.com